• Education

    Topocad Base course

    Topocad Base course starts at a level where the course participant needs to have basic knowledge of Windows but nothing of Topocad. We start with creating a fictitious project where the task is to draw a house, calculate survey data to coordinates with least editing possible and then transform and move the house to the correct place in our map. We also work with printing, road lines, terrain models and level curves. A big part of the course is about CAD editing with short keys, work procedures, shortcuts etc. After the course the participant will be able to work independent with the software system Topocad, in different projects.

    Topocad Volume

    Topocad Volume course is a continuation course of the base course and can be put into practice after the base course or at another occasion. In this course we look at terrain modelling, road line interpretation, road profile, profile from, camber diagram, creation of section templates, calculation and editing of sections, creation of section drawings etc. In addition we calculate volumes by model versus model.

    Topocad Net Adjustment

    The Net Adjustment course introduces Topocad Net Adjustment module and also some theories regarding net adjustment. How to survey, configuration of the net, calculations and planning of working net and also calculations of large nets. How to decide which calculations that should be included and approved, how to decide weights of observations, consideration to corrections, plan and elevation net. Simulation of observations.