• Database adapter ISM

    Topocad GIS side is divided in two modules:

    • Topocad ISM adapter
    • Topocad database adapter – for ArcGIS


    Both these connectors make it very easy to store survey data directly to the GIS environment and from the GIS environment load data to Topocad for drawings, stake out and presentation.

    With just a few clicks you will take your data in Topocad and store it to the GIS database. From the field we use the field code that is transferred to a specific layer and this layer makes it possible to store data to the database. from the field you can also use codes that is connected to special attributes, or input attributes directly on the field, which will be an object of their own in the database.

    The look of the survey or the database in Topocad is handled by interpretations; in ISM connection to the Oracle spatial database this is built-in, in the database. In the Arc environment, using any of the databases ArcSDE can use or the personal geo database, the look is stored in XML files outside the database system.

    The ArcGIS adapter will also work with the version system and possibility to post objects.

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