• Geometry

    The design modules in Topocad are:

    • Topocad profile (longitudinal sectioning)
    • Topocad volume by DTM
    • Topocad volume by sections and theoretic sections
    • Topocad Tunneling

    Topocad profile

    Topocad profile uses a profile form and creates beautiful profile forms. The module is also used for creation of the profiles from surveys, from profile form and terrain profiles, it handles camber and cross falls and really everything that has something to do with vertical heights on long-stretched objects such as road lines, railways, pipes, canals, ditches, etc. With this module you can also calculate surfaces and make surface check towards a road for instance.

    Topocad Volume

    The Topocad Volume by DTM’s calculates masses and volumes from two digital terrain models and creates very nice looking drawings of the volume result in form of contour lines and raster. The Topocad Volume by cross sections is a very high-effective design module. It calculates cross sections from two DTM’s comparing them with your theoretic cross section. This theoretic cross section can actually be anything. You will build this up to look and behave really as you want your section to behave. The theoretic section can use road lines, longitudinal road profiles, cambers for help and the section can have any number of layers in the super-structure (space between the theoretic top road level to your terrace level) as asphalt layers, etc.

    The real advantage of Topocad Volume by cross section is when you come to editing of your design, when you need to change anything, the road width, new digital terrain model, new profile, new section – anything, you will be able to edit it with just a few mouse clicks. It is very easy to get data out from this, to the plan drawing in 3D in cross sections or lines along the road or to a LandXML format for immediate stake out or machine control.

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